Do less

Wednesday, February 19

What if you did less?

Most people believe that getting better means doing more. More work. More effort. More good habits. And sure, those things matter.

But what if the real key to growth is doing less?

Less scrolling. Less junk food. Less complaining. Less staying up too late. Less drinking. Less comparing. Less wasting time on things that don’t serve you.

Imagine how much better you’d feel, think, and perform if you simply cut out the things that make you worse. Before you try to add more, start by subtracting what’s holding you back.

Less of the bad automatically makes room for more of the good.

Today, focus on doing less. And watch how much better you become.

Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓


a note: I’m currently booking speaking engagements for 2025 - I added 5 last week. These could be conventions, corporate events, team sessions, retreats, etc. If you’re interested in proven, practical systems for leadership, mindset, high performance, communication and culture, shoot me a note.

And if you’re a leader in sports and you haven’t joined our community yet, get on it. We’re helping coaches/ADs solve their biggest problems around mindset, leadership and performance for less per year than the cost of Netflix. Check it out at