KCW. Friday May 12

Friday, May 12

During one of my middle son’s recent baseball games, the coach pulled several pitchers when they struggled. The other team rarely swung, so if you weren’t perfect, you would walk them. It was frustrating for the pitchers (and coaches), and after a few walks, the coach would pull them.

I told my son on the way home that while I understood the coach’s perspective, I thought it would’ve been a good idea to leave the guys in and let them battle. To let them work through the frustration, learn to settle down, and just pitch. I told him we could talk about being resilient, positive, and mentally tough all day, but knowing about it and acting on it are two different things. The only way to do it is to do it.

The same is true for us and our leadership. You can read all the books and newsletters, and articles. You can listen to the podcasts and speakers. You can have notebooks full​ of what it means to be a great leader. That makes you someone who thinks you know what it means to be a great leader. But to truly know? You have to get in the arena and do the work. To struggle, fail, learn, grow, and make progress. You have to start doing what great leaders do. You have to start thinking as great leaders think.

Leadership is a verb. Do the work.

Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓
