KCW. Monday May 15

Monday, May 15

There was a study where someone placed a snake and a bird in the same cage. Initially, the bird went crazy, flapping its wings to get out. The snake was calm. Eventually, the bird settled down. And as it settled down, it slowly got closer to the snake. The snake remained calm and didn’t move. The bird moved down the small tree in the cage, closer and closer to the snake. Eventually, it was right next to the snake’s face. The snake remained calm.

As soon as the bird let its guard down, the snake ate it in one quick snap. The bird’s gut instinct was right. The snake was in fact dangerous. But it was deceived. The snaked was calm and appeared harmless. Had the bird trusted his intuition and stayed focused, it would be alive and the snake would be hungry.

In our lives, we are the bird, and the snake is complacency, comfort, and excuses. As we initially set out on a goal, we’re excited. We’re bursting with energy. Complacency stays quiet. As we start to doubt ourselves, comfort looks more appealing. We lie to ourselves. “Look, it’s just one day, and it won’t be that big of a deal.” Over time, it becomes easier and easier to inch our way toward a life of average. Suddenly, we find ourselves completely off the path, overtaken by the pursuit of comfort, our complacency, and our excuses.

Comfort is deceptive. Complacency is deceptive. Average is deceptive.

Stay on guard. Stay committed. Stay focused on your path and your purpose.

Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓
