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- Keep Chopping Wood. Wednesday, June 14
Keep Chopping Wood. Wednesday, June 14

Wednesday, June 14
There are requirements to get from where you are to where you want to go. Whether that is in your leadership, your health, your relationships, your finances, your team culture, or your mindset, there is a laundry list of decisions and actions you must make to get there. They are not optional.
These requirements will not always match what you want to do. They will not always be what is convenient for you at the moment. They will not always be easy or fun. It doesn’t matter. They are required. You don’t get to sign up for part of the process. It’s all or nothing.
When you decide on a vision and commit to pursuing a path to getting better, you don’t get to negotiate the terms. You don’t get to red-line the parts of the agreement you want to change. You either agree to it all of it or none of it.
Remind yourself today of what you committed to, of why you committed to it. Then do what’s required to move forward today.
Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓