Keep Chopping Wood. Wednesday, June 7

Wednesday, June 7

You have 100% control over the way you think.
You have 0% control over the way others think.

You have 100% control over how you feel.
You have 0% control over how others feel.

You have 100% control over what you focus on.
You have 0% control over what others focus on.

You have 100% control over your attitude.
You have 0% control over the attitude of others.

You have 100% control over what you say and how you say it.
You have 0% control over what others say and how they say it.

You have 100% control over how you respond to a situation.
You have 0% control over how others respond to a situation.

You have 100% control over what you focus on. Focus on what you have 100% control over, not what you have 0% control over.

Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓
