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- Lived Values
Lived Values

Friday, December 15
What are your values? Not some buzzwordy things you think would impress others. Your true, core values. The words that, if I gathered 10 people who know you would use to describe your character. The things you say you won’t compromise on. Write three to five of them down.
Now think about yesterday. Think about your interactions, your decisions, your efforts, your actions. Did you actually live those values? Go down the list and put a + if you lived it, and put a - if you didn’t. For example, let’s say integrity is a core value but you gossiped about someone yesterday. That’s a minus next to integrity.
Overall for your list, did you have more pluses or minuses? Did you live what you say are your values or did you fall short? And if you fell short, why? What will you do the next time you are in a situation similar to the one where you compromised on a value?
Why this exercise? Personal accountability. Personal growth. Personal responsibility. It’s something you should do daily. Rather than worrying about how others are showing up, it forces you to look within.
If you say they are your values, live them.
Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓