- Keep Chopping Wood
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- Pace of Progress
Pace of Progress

Monday, December 2
to help you/your team launch into 2025 with intention, I’m offering half off my virtual team sessions in December and January. These will be 1 hour sessions with your team. If you’re interested, just shoot me an email here.
There’s a rule in fitness called the 130-hour rule. The idea is that it takes 130 quality training hours for your body to transform.
Here’s how it breaks down:
If you exercise for one hour per day, three days a week, it will take you one year.
If you work out five days a week for one hour per day, it will take you six months.
If you work out two hours per day, five days a week, it will take you 12 weeks.
The work you put in determines the progress you make—and the pace of your progress.
This teaches us two key lessons:
Progress takes longer than you think. Even at two hours per day, five days a week, it will still take three months to see true transformation. You might notice progress sooner, but transformation takes time. And yet, we’re often impatient, expecting results immediately. Reality doesn’t work that way.
Progress requires less of you than you think. What do you want to get better at? What would happen if you committed to three intentional sessions per week? Imagine the impact of 130 hours over the next 12 months—in your fitness, your leadership, your communication, your mindset, or your relationships.
Most people are focused on how fast they can make progress. The real question is are you willing to consistently do the work required, when progress will take longer than you want it to? If you truly value the benefit of getting better, you’ll commit to the work.
Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓