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- Planning for better
Planning for better

Friday, March 29
Take a minute and consider something you want to get better at. It could be personal health, it could be a relationship, it could be your mindset, it could be leadership or communication, it could even be a hobby or new skill.
Look at your calendar over the last week. Where did you spend time working on that thing?
Look at your calendar for the next week. Where will you spend time on that thing?
Do you actually want to get better or are you hoping to get better? Is something you are working on or just something you talk about? For me, I’ve learned that if it isn’t in my calendar, it doesn’t happen (until enough time has passed that it becomes a normal part of my routine). And I say that as a person who 5 years ago hated calendars. They felt restrictive to me - yes, I know that sounds crazy.
But I found that I spent a lot of time talking about the things I wanted to do, and not very much time doing those things. When I put them on my calendar, it was like a meeting. It’s non-negotiable. That time is now unavailable for anything else.
Take a few minutes and calendar in when you are going to work on the thing you say you want to get better at in the next week. Commit to it, then do it.
You don’t get better accidentally. It requires that you live intentionally.
Keep chopping wood. 🪵🪓